TEMPORARY traffic lights have caused traffic problems on a main Hereford road.

Welsh Water has been carrying out work in Kings Acre Road since yesterday (April 18).

Temporary lights are in place by the Ferndale Road junction, which have caused traffic, especially at peak times. This is particularly the case for drivers heading towards the Monument roundabout. 

Hereford Times: The roadworks has caused trafficThe roadworks has caused traffic (Image: Paul Rogers/Hereford Times)

The work is due to be completed by tomorrow (April 18).



Ferndale Road links Kings Acre Road to Three Elms Road. Work has also been carried out in Tillington Road this week, by Beech Business Park.

It was scheduled to take five days to complete, with the road closed between NFU Mutual and Wye Valley Vets. However, it appears that it has finished, with no workmen on site this morning (April 17). 

Meanwhile, multi-way signals are due to be in operation in Newmarket Street this evening from 7pm to 6am. Herefordshire Council is carrying out the work.